Thursday, April 11, 2013

Shrimp Stir-Fry!

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Fruit flies are the worst. We have them at work and as I type this I am shooshing one exceptionally rude fly away from my banana. Gross. So glad we don't have them at home. With all the produce I buy you'd think we should! But, thankfully, no.

Ran another mile+ last night. My hip started hurting me on an incline. Bummer. I fought the urge to press on a little further and turned around. It's so annoying to be distracted by aches and pains. Especially because this pain is an overuse injury - meaning I was doing something wrong when I hurt it.  Double bummer.

*SHOO FLY! GIT OUTTA HERE!* Stupid fruit flies! Ugh.

Anyhow, last night I made a super easy stir-fry that can be made with whatever you have on hand. The veggies I used were just what I happened to have in my fridge.

The trick, for me, to getting great tasting stir-fry is using coconut oil.  The flavor is light and oh so authentic. I put a couple of spoonfuls in a pan over medium high to melt.

Like I said, the veggies I used were just what I had on hand.  This can truly be a 'garbage' meal - all those odds-n-ends you need to use up before they go bad.  For mine I used, onion, zucchini, carrot and celery. For me, celery is a MUST. The flavor is just so killer! I even use the leaves - don't throw those away!

Before I add the veggies to my frypan I add a big spoonful of minced garlic.  This pre-chopped stuff saves so much time and it lasts forever. Well worth the price (<$10 I believe).  After the veggies are in the pan I hit them with salt and lots of black pepper.

I start with the hard veggies that take longer to cook.  In this case, all but the zucchini. Cook on med-hi until wilted (a few minutes). Make sure you either stir or flip the pan to keep from your meal from burning.

The meat I had to use was half a bag of frozen, wild caught shrimp (a Costco purchase).  They have their tails on but once I run them under cold water to thaw (I know you're not supposed to, but whatever) the tails pop off with a pinch at their bases.

Adding the zucchini to get it rolling...

At the last minute I threw the shrimp in a pan with some melted coconut oil, salt and pepper until they turned pink.  Shrimp is so easy like that! When they're pink, they're done. Boom.

The finished product! So good, it needs no sauce!

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