Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let the Juicing Begin!

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This weekend I watched a couple of documentaries: "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"  and "Forks Over Knives". Both had a lot in common regarding whole foods (read: unprocessed), dairy, and meat and their respective nutritional values. My mind is definitely changed; even pertaining to what we currently consider to be our 'healthy' eating style. The main thing I have taken away is we eat far too much meat and processed sauces (ketchup, BBQ sauce, Tabasco  etc.). Going forward there will certainly be more veggies and fruits on our plates.

As many know, we've been eating  primarily primal (say that 10 times fast) for a while now. Despite the lack of grains, soy and dairy I still feel tired, bloated, and run down.  "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" has given me hope that at least by replacing my processed, nutrient-poor breakfast (Almond Milk Chai) with nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable juice my energy levels may rise and my cravings for carbs and sweets throughout the day might disappear. 

So yesterday Tom and I set off for H-Mart in Lynnwood with the goal of bringing home a haul of juice-able fruits and veg.

We spent $30 and brought home 4 bags of produce - celery, beets, cucumber, cantaloupe  apples, kiwis, carrots, kale, sweet lime, and strawberries.  There are also bananas for snacking, not juicing (as I learned the hard way).

We then scooted over to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up the new addition to our culinary family: the Breville Multi-Speed Juice Fountain.

Once home, I threw all the produce in the sink for a good washing... 

...unpacked the Brev. and whipped up my first concoction.

I decided I was going green; all the green ingredients went in and my juice was pretty amazing! I can't wait to come up with new recipes.  Costco is going to make this really easy with their bulk bags of celery, carrots, peppers, oranges, etc.  It's too early to tell if my energy has improved - my gut is still in knots from all the crap I've been eating lately - but I am hopeful for the future!

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