Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Favorite Bloggers

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I went for a pre-race run on Sunday purely to prove to myself that I can run 9+ miles and not die at the finish line.  The Finish Line is the important word here because Monday was Hell.  So, so, sooooo sore! My left leg felt like it had been ripped off and reattached by a 5-year-old. It was painful to walk, turn, stand, sit down, all of it. So grateful we no longer live in the three story townhouse because stairs were completely out of the question.

I also broke down this weekend and had a cheese burger. No fries though, and only half of a soda.  Regardless, my stomach hurt is still hurting. WORTH IT! This was after our trip to Lowe's to get gardening tools and other random home needs.  We were both hungry and a burger was going to fill our bellies and perk up our spirits.

Anywho, I wanted to start sharing some of the books/documentaries/clips/blogs that I have found to be the most helpful in my food and exercise journey. As most know, I am absolutely a fan of the primal movement or 'eating like a caveman'. I like to think about what it would be that I would have access to if I were to live in a tribe in the wilderness.  What would we find? What would we catch? For one, gathering/finding is WAY easier than tracking, chasing, killing and skinning so we would probably eat much more fruits, nuts and veggies than anything else. Meats would be shared by everyone and therefore would not consist of giant portions on a daily basis. I could go on, but the gist is there.

The philosophy, however, was the easy part.  Its the 'figuring out what to make for dinner tonight' part that is the challenge.  Without further ado, I want present to you the bloggers that I adore get my inspiration from:

Nom Nom Paleo has some wonderful fast recipes and fantastic pictures.
PaleOMG is great for her humor and sweet treats and breakfast ideas.
Against All Grain is a blogger I just began following and her photos are amazing.
Comfy Belly is another blogger I just began following.  I love the name!  So soothing - just what I need.

I use Google's reader app on my Chrome browser to check out what is going on at these and other websites daily.  They keep my brain moving and help the creativity flow.  I post a TON of the recipes I find on Pinterest and love to reference back to my 'Paleo Ideas' board whenever I'm in need of a desert or new meal.

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