Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Burger Haunting

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So I had a very strange dream last night:

I was on a beach and had just returned from getting food.  I had a bag full of cheese burgers.  I'm talking a paper sack stuffed with greasy, delicious Scott's Dairy Freeze burgers.  Specific? Yes. Why? Because they are delicious.  I mean, look at this thing....

...if you have not started drooling there is something seriously wrong with you.

In this dream, I knew I had to get my stash of burgs back home to be devoured, but I decided that I should just have one bite to 'tie' me over (I say tie, not tide. Get over it).  So I had a bite.  Then another. And another.  I couldn't stop myself as hard as I tried.  I recall looking at an almost gone burger and thinking "I can stop here. Oh, screw it, it's almost finished anyway." 

Granted, we are talking about an imaginary burger here, but I felt so guilty! And hungry for a burger. Ugh, not the way to wake up in the middle of the night. I have no clue what this dream means.  All I can think is that my subconscious is telling me to get up to North Bend and get me a burger. NOW.  I think I feel a 'cheat' day coming on...

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