Thursday, February 28, 2013

Turkey Tacos

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I'm starting to get nervous about Sunday's 15k! Eek!  'Should I change what I listen to? Should I run faster than I have been?' Ah, race anxiety, how I've missed you...says no one. Ever.

I took one for the team today both out of kindness and curiosity.  My boss brought me a tub of garlic tahini kale from Whole Foods this afternoon. I've always eyeballed the stuff but shied away from lack of knowledge/experience with tahini.  As a result of this simple act of generosity I pondered a few things : 1) You should never turn down a food 'gift' because of food sensitivities: that's just rude.  The act of giving/receiving is far greater than any tummy ache 2) Garlic tahini is delicious but has soy in it 3) I will find a way to make my own at home. Stay tuned.

I chewed all of my fingernails off the other day (I know, gross, but let me get to the point). Now looking at my hands is almost surreal because I see my grandmother's hands.  Oh, I loved her hands. I remember how I  used to stare at them.  She probably thought I was weird, but I'm glad I have that part of me as a reminder of her.                                                                             Just quietly, I'm pretty sure I'd seen her chew her nails a time or two.

Now for the food.  I had sort of an 'aha' moment in Costco a little while ago where I was wanting make tacos, but not with the tortilla then it hit me: taco lettuce wraps!  I surf my fair share of Pinterest and had seen people doing their versions of the P.F. Chang's lettuce wraps, and decided this would be my paleo answer to my taco craving. I must tell you: these taco's were amazing.  I can't wait to make them again!

Start by simmering some sliced garlic and red chili flakes in a skillet over medium heat until fragrant...

...add some chopped carrot, onion, and whatever else you think would be delish in a taco...

...add salt, more olive oil if needed (I need a bit more sometimes because I don't use non-stick pans)...

..saute until the carrots are tender and the onions are almost transparent.

While waiting for the onions and carrots, I acted like Rachel Ray and multitasked my way through some poblano pepper and fresh cilantro.

I added half a package of ground turkey for this meal (this is a whole package, I know, but I wanted to show what it is I'm working with. Gosh!) but you can add more if you need.

Brown up the turkey; stirring occasionally...

I add these spices to my tacos.  I read the back of a 'taco seasoning' packet once and this was the gist of it: chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder and paprika.  I find that the convenience packets of seasonings contain 'unwanted's' like whey powder. Get out of here whey, you aren't wanted. 

Once the turkey is browned add in the pepper and cilantro and mix it in and turn the burner to low.  You don't want to keep cooking the mix too much further.
 (Never mind the mess I made on the stove, I'm a sloppy stirrer)

To finish, I peeled apart some romaine heart leaves, washed them and used them as a crunchy, awesome vehicle for my taco-y goodness.

Oh, and I swear I will start working on my camera skills.  They are abysmal.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Favorite Bloggers

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I went for a pre-race run on Sunday purely to prove to myself that I can run 9+ miles and not die at the finish line.  The Finish Line is the important word here because Monday was Hell.  So, so, sooooo sore! My left leg felt like it had been ripped off and reattached by a 5-year-old. It was painful to walk, turn, stand, sit down, all of it. So grateful we no longer live in the three story townhouse because stairs were completely out of the question.

I also broke down this weekend and had a cheese burger. No fries though, and only half of a soda.  Regardless, my stomach hurt is still hurting. WORTH IT! This was after our trip to Lowe's to get gardening tools and other random home needs.  We were both hungry and a burger was going to fill our bellies and perk up our spirits.

Anywho, I wanted to start sharing some of the books/documentaries/clips/blogs that I have found to be the most helpful in my food and exercise journey. As most know, I am absolutely a fan of the primal movement or 'eating like a caveman'. I like to think about what it would be that I would have access to if I were to live in a tribe in the wilderness.  What would we find? What would we catch? For one, gathering/finding is WAY easier than tracking, chasing, killing and skinning so we would probably eat much more fruits, nuts and veggies than anything else. Meats would be shared by everyone and therefore would not consist of giant portions on a daily basis. I could go on, but the gist is there.

The philosophy, however, was the easy part.  Its the 'figuring out what to make for dinner tonight' part that is the challenge.  Without further ado, I want present to you the bloggers that I adore get my inspiration from:

Nom Nom Paleo has some wonderful fast recipes and fantastic pictures.
PaleOMG is great for her humor and sweet treats and breakfast ideas.
Against All Grain is a blogger I just began following and her photos are amazing.
Comfy Belly is another blogger I just began following.  I love the name!  So soothing - just what I need.

I use Google's reader app on my Chrome browser to check out what is going on at these and other websites daily.  They keep my brain moving and help the creativity flow.  I post a TON of the recipes I find on Pinterest and love to reference back to my 'Paleo Ideas' board whenever I'm in need of a desert or new meal.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Burger Haunting

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So I had a very strange dream last night:

I was on a beach and had just returned from getting food.  I had a bag full of cheese burgers.  I'm talking a paper sack stuffed with greasy, delicious Scott's Dairy Freeze burgers.  Specific? Yes. Why? Because they are delicious.  I mean, look at this thing....

...if you have not started drooling there is something seriously wrong with you.

In this dream, I knew I had to get my stash of burgs back home to be devoured, but I decided that I should just have one bite to 'tie' me over (I say tie, not tide. Get over it).  So I had a bite.  Then another. And another.  I couldn't stop myself as hard as I tried.  I recall looking at an almost gone burger and thinking "I can stop here. Oh, screw it, it's almost finished anyway." 

Granted, we are talking about an imaginary burger here, but I felt so guilty! And hungry for a burger. Ugh, not the way to wake up in the middle of the night. I have no clue what this dream means.  All I can think is that my subconscious is telling me to get up to North Bend and get me a burger. NOW.  I think I feel a 'cheat' day coming on...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weeknight Lamb and Spinach

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This last week has been interesting.  I'm now at day 9 without any caffeine and hadn't needed it once. YAY!   Getting up early enough to make juice in the 'Bass-o-matic' and clean up after has been a challenge. Ugh, I hate waking up when it's dark out. But I feel really good! A little less tired than I am used to being. Success!

On another food note, I have almost completely cleaned our kitchen of all processed/refined foods! All that is left is sauces.  Some sauces come in healthier, more 'whole' versions, while some will never be replaced.  Tabasco, for example, isn't going anywhere.  If you read the ingredients though, they really aren't that bad.... Denial is not only a riv...oh whatever. I love the stuff.  It stays.

This last weekend I went for a run.  I planned on bumping up my time up from 66 to 88 minutes.  Three too many impulse turns into and around Bridle Trails and I finally made it back home after a hour and 45.  Good thing I had plenty of 'Jane Eyre' left on my audible app!  By the time I got home Tom was awake and had given up on me making breakfast and had started putting together an omelette that was to die for. Why I don't make him cook more often, I don't know...

The last few weeks I've been playing around with lamb - specifically rack of lamb.  I. Love. Lamb.  I used to be afraid of cooking this wonderful meat of the gods, but really it's just like beef and that's how I cook it.  Is that how you're supposed to? I don't know - I'm no chef! But it turns out alright and that's all that matters, right?

The recipe that I have been tinkering with for the last few weeks is super-simple and (almost) super-fancy.

First, get a skillet on a medium burner with some olive oil (just a swirl of the pan).  Then cram as much spinach in as will fit and top it off with a handful of raisins (or other dried berry) and pop a lid on it to let is wilt in it's own steam.

 I cut up a rack of lamb into it's individual chops and salt and pepper each side...

 ...and pop them in a medium skillet with a few swirls of olive oil.

If you don't have one of these splatter guards, get one. Now. It's gunna save you some serious cleaning work in a little bit. 

Three minutes per side for medium-rare chops and by the time those are nice and golden the spinach will be wilted and the raisins warmed and plumped. Add salt and pepper to taste.

 Voila! This was my plate.  I know I left out the asparagus. FOR SHAME!  I'll post the recipe for those (broiled balsamic asparagus) another time.

I finished off my dinner with a glass of old vine malbec.  Yum!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Maple Candied Nuts

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I don't know about you but I hate eating nuts (har har - get your mind out of the gutter). Raw, roasted, flavored - I hate them.  Except peanut butter...oh Lord I could but peanut butter on everything. Any-who,  I hated all nuts until I was at a friend's parent's house.  Her mom had made maple candied walnuts that she used to sprinkle on hot cereal.  I could not stop eating them! (Sorry, Sally). So, in an attempt to add more variety to my diet and add a daily sweet treat, I came up with these: Maple Candied Nuts.

This recipe is super-duper simple and uses only 2 ingredients and 25 minutes of your time and makes for an awesome, sweet snack to chow on all week long.

First, grab yourself some 100% natural maple syrup.  Mine is obviously from Costco, and I think it is the best deal out there atm.  You'll also need a bunch of nuts - anything will work.  My favorites are pecans, but I had some almonds I needed to get through so I tossed them in too. Shown here is probably 2 or 3 cups.  

Now comes the sketchy part of my cooking: I measure nothing. Ever. Sorry. (Just quietly: no I'm not). I put a little bit more maple syrup in the pan than was needed to coat the nuts - maybe a half cup or so.  I then turned on the burner to medium and stirred everything up, making sure every nut was coated in mapely goodness.

This is an awful shot, I know, but I wanted to show how the syrup will boil.  Let it bubble away, stirring regularly, until the syrup is reduced.  Let it get to the point where there isn't much left in the bottom of the pan when you stir your nuts around (about 10 minutes - again, sorry I don't measure ANYTHING).

Once you've boiled off the syrup, transfer the coated nuts to a parchment lined baking sheet.  Spread 'em out and pop them in a 275-300 degree oven.  This is important. KEEP AN EYE ON THESE GUYS 'CAUSE THEY WILL BURN!!!!!!  In about 15 minutes they will start to look crystalline and dry.  Pull them out and let them cool completely.  

I break them all apart by rolling up the parchment starting at one end.  I then section them out into little containers as snacks for the week!

BLOOPER REEL: My first attempt at these I used WAX paper instead of parchment. #facepalm.  Second attempt I used foil which stuck to the nuts like you wouldn't believe. #doublefacepalm. Third attempt I left these bad boys in the oven too long and scorched the bejeezus out of them.  #learnfrommymistakes.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let the Juicing Begin!

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This weekend I watched a couple of documentaries: "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"  and "Forks Over Knives". Both had a lot in common regarding whole foods (read: unprocessed), dairy, and meat and their respective nutritional values. My mind is definitely changed; even pertaining to what we currently consider to be our 'healthy' eating style. The main thing I have taken away is we eat far too much meat and processed sauces (ketchup, BBQ sauce, Tabasco  etc.). Going forward there will certainly be more veggies and fruits on our plates.

As many know, we've been eating  primarily primal (say that 10 times fast) for a while now. Despite the lack of grains, soy and dairy I still feel tired, bloated, and run down.  "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" has given me hope that at least by replacing my processed, nutrient-poor breakfast (Almond Milk Chai) with nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable juice my energy levels may rise and my cravings for carbs and sweets throughout the day might disappear. 

So yesterday Tom and I set off for H-Mart in Lynnwood with the goal of bringing home a haul of juice-able fruits and veg.

We spent $30 and brought home 4 bags of produce - celery, beets, cucumber, cantaloupe  apples, kiwis, carrots, kale, sweet lime, and strawberries.  There are also bananas for snacking, not juicing (as I learned the hard way).

We then scooted over to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up the new addition to our culinary family: the Breville Multi-Speed Juice Fountain.

Once home, I threw all the produce in the sink for a good washing... 

...unpacked the Brev. and whipped up my first concoction.

I decided I was going green; all the green ingredients went in and my juice was pretty amazing! I can't wait to come up with new recipes.  Costco is going to make this really easy with their bulk bags of celery, carrots, peppers, oranges, etc.  It's too early to tell if my energy has improved - my gut is still in knots from all the crap I've been eating lately - but I am hopeful for the future!