Saturday, September 29, 2012

Back In Business...

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So the blog has been quiet as of late. I've been out of commission due to a recent rash of illness.

We have been very busy the last month.  We've traveled far and wide, attended a wedding, a football game, a frat party, floated a river and did some camping.  None of these activities are (easily) made "Kellie Friendly" and thus I ate whatever was in front of me - avoiding the bad stuff when I could, but not taking much time to read labels or make a general fuss about what was in my food.

I ate everything: french bread, sushi, hot dogs, hamburgers, cookies, and (of course) wedding cake. You name it, I ate it and barely batted an eye. This recklessness resulted in weeks of belly aches, headaches, joint pain, etc., etc., etc. Needless to say, I have not been motivated to do much of anything, including blog, as of late.

BUT I'm feeling better now; I went for my first run in 30 DAYS. How does that happen?! I seriously thought it had maybe been 3 weeks max. Oh well. I'm feeling better - a little more confident that I can run miles away from home and be alright - not having to worry about when the next bout of stomach cramps or fatigue is going to set in.

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