Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hot Chocolate 15k

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Betsy and I at the start line.

This weekend was the big race! If you didn't already know, 15k is 9.6 miles. And when you are running a 15k, it feels more like 20 miles.

I agreed to met up with everyone at 6am to head in to town.  I didn't wake up in time to eat skipped breakfast, threw my race gear in a bag and headed out.  I took one Honey Stinger gel packet and gulped that down 40 minutes from start time.

In retrospect it was not that bad, but the hills! So many gradual hills! I suck at running hills.  Like, me running a hill is just barely faster than an old lady walking the same hill.  So. Slow.

But the end came after an hour and forty minutes and then it was chocolate time! We got a cup of hot chocolate as well as special sectioned mugs with chocolate fondue in which to dip pretzels, rice krispies treats, wafer cookies, and anything else you could find.  I ate all of it.  I knew it was going to make me ill, but I earned it darn it! And, yes, my stomach still hurts as I am typing this. Worth it.

After the race I headed home and went back to bed and slept most of the day away.  Running and laziness: a match made in heaven.

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