Sunday, July 8, 2012

Picnic Fare

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Tom and I love picnics in the summer time.  This last Friday I took a trip to Whole Foods to pick up a quick picnic dinner and dessert  for a surprise date night dinner outdoors.


I found these whole young coconuts in the drink section and had to get them.  I've heard that coconut water is high in fiber, potassium and sodium and is great as a post-workout beverage.  Since Tom had just finished a cross-fit workout before I rushed him out the door, I figured this would be both a fun, and beneficial, appetizer.


For the main course I hit up the burrito bar and filled a large container with layers of pulled pork, onions, green onions, cilantro, jalapenos, sauteed onions and peppers and guac.  More of a 7 layer dip than nachos, but either way it was fabulous with 100% blue corn tortilla chips. 


For dessert I really struggled to find a cookie in the cookie isle that was wheat, dairy, and soy free.  That is until I looked down to the bottom shelf and beheld macaroons! These ones contained only coconut, egg whites, and evap. cane juice with honey. They are sulfite, lactose, soy, wheat, gluten, dairy and yeast free.  They are, however, absolutely delicious but relatively high in calories (130C for 2) so I think I'm going to make my own from now on.

Happy picnicking!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Costco & Target Food 'Haul'

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Apart from posting recipes and running tips, I also wanted to provide a shopping guide by documenting the goodies that follow me home on my Monday shopping trips.  Here it goes...


When I shop I literally grab anything that looks good that day.  When it comes to produce, and especially fruit that will be snacks, you just can't go wrong.  The only thing to remember with Costco shopping is that you need to know how to cook the foods you are buying in multiple different ways (or not care about eating the same thing multiple times).


On this trip I was asked not to purchase any chicken (we've had too much of it lately). The steaks will get separated and frozen, the pork loins separated and frozen, turkey bacon, wild salmon will get eaten immediately, and some of the eggs will get hard boiled as snacks and the other are for breakfasts and cooking.


I LOVE COFFEE.  I have tried, and failed, to live without it.  Here I have purchased coconut milk to replace creamer for the coffee (add in a little bit of agave syrup and it's pretty tasty). Pistachios are God's gift to snackers, and dried cherries are fabulous for boosting energy levels.