Thursday, April 19, 2012

The First Appointment...

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I've done it.  I've made my first (of probably many) doctor's appointments with an allergist.  After 15 years of struggling with food allergies/intolerances I've had enough; I am going to find out what is wrong with me.

There have been many theories along the way regarding what makes me so sick.  Milk, MSG, gluten, soy? All I can do is guess, eliminate one or more of the suspects and deal with the results.  What I often get in return is a stomach ache, itchy skin, and hives (among others).

Well, I'm done. I'm throwing in the towel.  

My first appointment is with Dr. Krouse in Bellevue at the allergy clinic.  The man on the phone said they were going to start with a scratch test to see which of those substances I'm allergic to. From there I can choose which foods I would like to get tested for.  It's a bit vague at this point, I know, but its a jumping-off point.

My goal for this journey is to FINALLY discover what it is that I can and cannot eat.  No more guessing, and especially, no more missed opportunities because I don't feel well enough to leave the safety of my house.

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