Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Plan Takes Shape...

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Betsy & I before the Sammamish Boy & Girls Club 5k
After finishing my last race on Sunday - and taking this week off to make sure my system has calmed down (enough) - I think it's time to start my training back up again. 

I had just gotten back from a two week recovery from shin splints when I became too ill to run and, if there is a silver lining to be found, I feel like I've become really good at starting over.

As far as diet, I think the key foods I'm going to be avoiding are those with high fructose contents (apples, pears, tomatoes, pineapple, peach), artificial sweeteners, soy lecithin (protein), and gluten (wheat protein).  The jury is still out on dairy.  I can't tell if it is bugging me or not, but it hadn't been before I got sick, so we'll see.

The one thing I learned from my last attempt at training is that my body does not like 4-day-a-week runs.  The plan I developed this time is 3 days per week with two short(er) runs and one long run on Saturday. My goal is to eventually run a half-, full-, then ultra marathon.  This longest distance, to me, seems like the ultimate test of the mind and most long distance runners I have read about say that this distance is the most fun.

My training plan is pretty laid back: I have no deadlines to meet and will be racing my usual 5k once a month during the entire thing (until August when we bump up to 10k's).  My idea for this blog is to document how the training is going and to keep a log of what works and what doesn't in regards to gear, diet, sports nutrition, hydration, music playlists, etc.

Below is a copy of my training schedule as it stands right now. The 'Rest' days will either be just that, rest, or will be a low impact activity like walking or yoga.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The First Appointment...

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I've done it.  I've made my first (of probably many) doctor's appointments with an allergist.  After 15 years of struggling with food allergies/intolerances I've had enough; I am going to find out what is wrong with me.

There have been many theories along the way regarding what makes me so sick.  Milk, MSG, gluten, soy? All I can do is guess, eliminate one or more of the suspects and deal with the results.  What I often get in return is a stomach ache, itchy skin, and hives (among others).

Well, I'm done. I'm throwing in the towel.  

My first appointment is with Dr. Krouse in Bellevue at the allergy clinic.  The man on the phone said they were going to start with a scratch test to see which of those substances I'm allergic to. From there I can choose which foods I would like to get tested for.  It's a bit vague at this point, I know, but its a jumping-off point.

My goal for this journey is to FINALLY discover what it is that I can and cannot eat.  No more guessing, and especially, no more missed opportunities because I don't feel well enough to leave the safety of my house.